More from my private blog...AGAIN! Believe me there is a lot in my private blog, which is best left private, lol...
Ohhhh! Dear. In one blog post I have insulted 50% of the scene population, lol. You know what. I don't care. Because I can't stand that male chauvinist, arrogant, pompous attitude that women need to be taken down a peg or two. Kept in hand. Made accountable for THEIR! behavior...This attitude usually comes from less then perfect guys. They are usually overweight, bushy eyebrows. Less then perfect. Why should a woman allow them to dictate how they should live their life & punish them accordingly...
Yet. I go on to insult more people, lol...
Not that I'm insulting these blokes looks. I'm just saying. They are not perfect. Nobody's perfect...
Theres more of my dribble...
Especially a near stranger, who is only interested in one thing... A bottom to spank... |
Yes I get the pleasure from spanking a lady, part, but not the arrogant NEED! to punish, train, control. They are traits of a control freak. Ohh! Yeess! I dared to go there...
Yes. I get that some women like being controlled. If they get pleasure from it & they are capable of functioning on an emotional level without desperately needing attention, or approval, or to be punished. Fine go for it. Each to their own...
It's like me. When I used to play every other week, with my Dom. That was for mutual 'adult' pleasure. Spanking to me is sexual, sensual, erotic...{As I keep saying} You never know. One day I might actually meet 'another' guy who wants to spank me for the pleasure of spanking. Not to train me...
Exactly! That just reminded me of being told to 'Go with the flow' when reacting to behavior which went against my sense of what is right & what is wrong... Never go with the flow... Always go with your own instincts If it feels wrong, it probably is wrong, even if it is only wrong in your mind & everyone else sees it differently... |
Actually the people I play with now fit into that category. See. I'm not just a man hating feminist, lol...
Go to bed at boring 'O' clock. Drink less wine {So its, like. What is the point?} Do this. Do that. Do it MY! way. Or I will PUNISH! you. Umph! Not good...
I suffer from insomnia. So I go to bed between 3-5am. Not because I want to stay up to the early hours. No. Because I just can't sleep. I can feel really tired. Go to bed 'Wide awake!'. Then I toss & turn to the early hours anyway. So I might as well accept that I am not going to sleep until 3am-5am. Watch tele. Read, etc. It is not worth getting all stressed out about...
After all. I have been a so called insomniac all my life. Even as a baby I did not sleep until gone 2am. When I was born. They put me in the sluice room among the bed pans. So I would not disturb the other babies. There was one midwife who would cuddle me all night...
Nuff said...
A bit more from my private blog...
PE. Tried to manipulate me all the time. To keep me sub like. I did not want to do something. I was rebelling. I had attitude. Look what happened to my mind. I ended up depressed
He would wind me up. Play me off other people, until I reacted, then he would punish me. That is not good. If I learned one thing from way back in my naive, gullible newbie days. Steer clear of control freaks & emotional abusers. I just don't need the crap in my life, thank you very much. Note I said 'My life'...