Though I am on a low carb diet to help improve my health, so I can get more pleasure from spanking again. I'm not some nubile young thing anymore...
Sooo! Old geezers looking for young nubiles. Nothing to see here. Move along {HeeHee}
Ohh! Yeah! I got a...Ummm! invite to a so called reunion spanking party {Its hush hush, can't give out details} It should be fun. If it is like the good old days that is...
Ohh! Yeah! It's our munch meet next Tuesday evening. I am looking forward to spending time with people I get on with. Yep! There are a few...
I must be getting old. Because I inwardly groan when someone says about giving me a hard spanking. As I say. I am aiming for comfort. Gone are the days I can take a hard thrashing. Gone are the days I can stay bent over for ages. I need cushions. Air conditioning. Extra coffee breaks to keep up my strength. Toned down spanking. I never thought I would ever say that...
Basically. I need one of those bespoke spankings I've seen in personals. Mind you 'Bespoke' Is that a new fangled way of saying 'I will listen to your needs'. Gawd! I must be getting old, I'm using words like 'Fangled' & taking the pee out of the use of the word 'bespoke' in the same sentence as 'spanking'
OMFG! I have turned into one of those grumpy old women...
Nah! Not really. I am still young at heart. I have just reached the time in my life when I can't be arsed with all the unnecessary crap. My friend 'T' has offered to give us a lift to the 'top secret location' party...Which is great. We get on well. Have great play sessions, but...I don't think I am up for the few hour long thrashed all over stincts anymore...Ummm!
I remember being totally out of it, unaware of the time. I thought it had been about 45 minutes, but, no, more like over 2 hours 'Eeeek!'. Now. He'll be lucky if I last 15 minutes. Maybe the low carb eating to improve my health, will also improve my stamina when it comes to spanking. We'll see...
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