Fifty Shades-

Friday, 29 May 2015

A submissive in need of a thorough spanking. If only!......

I know and ur just talking and it begins to quiten down when people notice so like suddenly ur the only one talking


I avoided the contaminated spanking sites, for ages, well, 4 months to be precise. I thought I would start a new spanking blog, rather then carry on in my other new blog. There is a pattern forming here, lol. Mind you I have probably been doing the same thing for the last decade...

Anyway. I am here to stay {Yeah yeah, I've heard that one before} F's secret spanking coven site is no more, the url run out he did not bother to renew it. Personally I think that site was doomed to fail from the beginning. Too many people hate him for whatever reason...Ohh! Yeah! He speaks his mind...

I have not played for over 2 years now, which considering I loved spanking; I was border line insatiable {Nooo not borderline personality} is a pretty long time. Not that anyone cares & I don't expect them to care. I am writing this for me not to get attention, UNLIKE! certain other peeps. There are quite a few people out there who should get a blog & a life come to think of it...

"I'm going to stand outside. So if anyone asks, I'm outstanding". #Quotes @Candidman

It reads like I have got it bad. Actually the bitch rant only comes out when I sit down to blog. Otherwise I'm just chilling in my own little world... Sooo! Is this what happens to the bullies, bitches, twats, pratts & generally up themselves 'lovely' peeps ??? In real everyday life they carry on as normal. 'Less twat-ish' Then. When they get behind their keyboard it all comes out. Their true colours? Nooo! holding back. No one to bitch slap them from behind the screen, lol...

I do try to see it from another person's perspective. In their eyes so to speak, but then my bitch radar takes over & I see them for what they are. Emotionally screwed, insecure sad people, seeking attention to feed their OTT! obsession with themselves & their needs. Those sites are like an outlet for all the negative crap...


Its supposed to be 'fun'. Isn't the word 'fun' more for 'That was supposed to be enjoyable, but...Nah! not really'...Anyway! The site's are supposed to be there to enjoy being with like minded people. It turns into a free for all 'Hate! campaign' lol...I stand at the side lines chuckling to myself at all the bickering going on. In a way that's fun, reading a heavy debate on some bloke daring to give advice on the health issues involved with kinky play...

Yes. I agree. We are not stupid, but, when some rude bint comes along, after she went to 2 parties, she then writes this whole sermon on party etiquette, wossy {I don't know, I didn't read past the first few sentences, so what do I know} They crawled up her skinny arse, then it got put as a {Gasp!} 'Sticky!' post...Fair enough, but they ripped this poor guy apart. Well the usual few did. Hmmm! If he had been female & 'or' a 'Clique' member it would have been a different story entirely. In Fact it would have been made a 'Sticky!' post...

~ Express your feelings & let them go...

There is the resident feminist, who pounces on the poor blokes who don't always see the woman's point of view, I don't think they even thought about it. Not because they're male chauvinist, just that they did not mean it that way, but forgot to allow for the women who do see it that way...

When Dr Q put in brackets 'She can sue' I don't think he meant 'Don't do it, because she can sue'. He probably meant 'It is assault, she is with in her right to sue, if you go too far & cause her harm'. Not 'You can't do it, because the bitch will probably sue'...This is why us spanking peeps say, 'Safe, sane, consensual'. Or something like that...

There is no need to be so rude. Did your parents not bring you up with the ability to use tact, to respect other people's feelings & accept that everyone is different, everyone is entitled to their own opinion & reaction. You don't like it, ignore it. You don't agree. Fair enough, disagree, put your own personal point of view across, but you don't need to be a stuck up, bullying 'A hole' about it. Why get sooo! het up about it?

It is just a thread in a spanking site forum, FFS!...The thing is. If you act like a 'A hole' people will treat you like a A hole. Just because your fellow A holes crawl up your A hole, doesn't mean your RIGHT! & every other non arse crawling friend is wrong. That is where the assumption that the site is cliquy comes from..."BECAUSE YOU BEHAVE LIKE A CLIQUE!"...Jeeze! people. Grow the f**k up!...

Romantic Body Language - Google Search
That about sums up the 'clique' mentality...
I say that in the nicest, sweetest possible way, with a smile on my face. I am smiling so hard my jaw aches...Nah! Not really. I am somewhere between 'You lot ruined a great site with your bullying A hole ways & I couldn't give a flying fanny fart that you people enjoy a good debate, which ends with no one else joining in, they just prefer to stay on the sidelines laughing at the comebacks to the bullies...In other words. It bothers me 'NOT!' but I enjoy a good blog rant...

I don't know why I like this but I doThe thing is. Some of what the bully's say is right. I do agree, other people would agree, but they go & add negative bullying crap. Mind you, if everyone was nice to each other it would be a tad dull. A good debate between the usual bullying suspects & the people who disagree with them, therefore must be the villain of spanking scene land. The infamous man of all people who disagree & argue back...

You disagree. You must be 'F'. You react to the A hole-ness. Yep! You're definitely 'F'. In other words. The 'Clique!' have decided that 'F' is Fury {I know its a laugh a minute in there}. It is cast in stone..."Twats!" He's not, but there is no way of proving it, the same as there is no proof that he is, but they know better, don't they. The troll police...{HaHaHa-Ohhhh!} they are worth a laugh & a blog rant...

Nuff said...

I will stop waffling on, now...

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