Here goes...
- Have you ever gotten spanked?
Just a few times since a month after my 35th birthday, 11 years ago...

- Are you spanked bare bottomed, over panties, over clothes?
Is there any other way? Being spanked over clothes & over my panties is fine for a few spanks, but then, if it goes on too long, I start to get slightly frustrated {Note I said slightly} Being spanked on my bare bottom is a lot more sensual. Though. Going over the knee. My skirt being smoothed across my bottom..."Mmmm!" That is a "Mmmm!" sensation...
- What is the best thing about being spanked?
The sexual, sensual, erotic, tingly feeling. The almost unbearable pain, which soon turns to a hot, burning, ultra sexual feeling of 'Bliss!'...I love being spanked...That feeling when the pain subsides & it just becomes a hot feeling which goes right through me...'Mmmm!'...Then. Floating off into subspace. Where my whole body feels sooo relaxed, as if I have totally let go. I can feel no pain, just my whole body tingling...Who needs drugs when you have got the total release of an intense thorough thrashing...{Not that I take drugs}
Certain words & a certain tone of voice really gets me going...
I miss my Ex Dom. He could give me the most intense thrashing, leaving me with a blissful afterglow. No black & blue bruising {I don't want to be damaged} No blood from my weak spot {Which he did not cause} {Hmmm! Be Careful who you play with}
There are so many to choose from. Of course my favorite & I think every subs favorite, over the knee. Then there is bent over the arm of the chair, bent over the back of the settee, bent over the footboard of my victorian frame bed {Pitty I no longer have that bed}. Laying over a pile of cushions on my bed, bent over the edge of my bed......etc etc etc...
- Have you ever gotten spanked in public?
Yes. In the woods. I love being spanked outdoors, but it has to be either very early or deep in a quiet woods. I'm not into being caught. Or even that feeling of 'I might get caught'. Personally. The vanilla part of me feels that some poor unsuspecting person does not need to come across that, when out walking...Especially if there are kids about...
Let's face it...It is sexual. To a vanilla person it is 'weird'...Keep it to yourself, FFS!
- What do you get spanked with the most?
It used to be 'the hand'. I love the sensation of being spanked HARD! with the hand, with lots of soothing rubbing to sooth away the sting, or to build up the sting again...A over the knee hand spanking was often used as a warm up, unless I was caned from cold 'Oowww!' That is far more painful then after a warm up, but leaves lovely bright red stripes...
The cane is my favorite implement. Being caned whilst over the knee was 'Wow!' 'Bliss!'...
Then there are the various leather paddles/straps. The belt. Hair brush. Clothes brush {Which is evil}...Leather flogger, twisted loop cane wossy {HATE! that}
I am not into slippers. Though I have been spanked with a slipper...
Part Two of my spanking meme to come...
Part Two of my spanking meme to come...
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