You don't even use real words, bitch!
by M
I read his profile, started typing something ack but then went "nah, he's nothing like me, can't get it straight whether he's on here for friends or dating, and really, really must not have even glanced at my summary, otherwise he'd know better.
Hey, I like your profile.. Are you interested in getting to know one another?
A polite enough first message...
Me: {Her}
Pretty sure you didn't actually read my profile >_>
Personally. I am so used to blokes not reading my profile, I can't even be arsed to respond...Either that, or I send a polite response saying something along the lines of 'We are not looking for the same thing, good luck with your search'...Pretty sure you didn't actually read my profile >_>
I didn't know what platonic friends meant. I had to look it up in the urban dictionary.
I didn't know what platonic friends meant. I had to look it up in the urban dictionary.
"A very close male friend that a woman has. Their relationship is strictly "just friends" and usually never involves anything sexual. Men do not have platonic friends, just simply women they haven't had sex with yet."
Lol! So obviously he is not looking for friendship, just sex. Nooo! small talk, nooo strings attached, nooo fees exchanged. JUST! SEX!
Fair enough but he responds to her as if that is offensive, lol...Whats wrong with a woman asking for friendship, with no sex? Are men incapable of being friends with women without wanting to shag them?
Yeah, that's a really sexist definition, so if you want to buy into it, go for it lol. And even baring that, you missed the parts where i'm a nonmonogamist athiest haha
Lol! Good come back...Yeah, that's a really sexist definition, so if you want to buy into it, go for it lol. And even baring that, you missed the parts where i'm a nonmonogamist athiest haha
the words you are using are not even in the english dictionary. Your making words up. You can live a lie and believe that that is a sexist definition. But you will realize the hard way, as you get older, that men meet women to become friends with them in hopes of having a sexual relationship with them.
Sooo! My daughters having male friends. They're going to learn the hard way? Hmmm! What a narrow minded, shallow view of women. She's right 'Sexist!'...the words you are using are not even in the english dictionary. Your making words up. You can live a lie and believe that that is a sexist definition. But you will realize the hard way, as you get older, that men meet women to become friends with them in hopes of having a sexual relationship with them.
You will realize this by your so called guy friends screwing up your life tremendously when they are fed up with you not treating them like a man.
Wow! What an attitude to have towards women. Women are just here for men to fuck! Charming...What a male chauvinist pig!...
If men didn't want sex they would not be friending women whatsoever. These guys would make other guy friends.
They would make friends with people who can talk about sports with them and other girls.
Narrow minded, shallow, ignorant 'TWAT!'...
This is nature.
Wow! Really?...TWAT!
Every single male organism on the planet only seeks female for sexual reasons.
Unbelievable...If all men were like him, there would be far more rapest & abusive arseholes then there already are...
Guess what. People can be friends with out having sex. If you'll incapable of managing that, you should not be near women. I feel for your wife & any daughters you may have...If he has sons will he bring them up to be disrespectful, abusive A holes as well. Another generation of obnoxious abusive A holes...
Pure scientific fact. It's the only reason why you exist.
This bloke is a piece of work. The words 'Abusive A hole' spring to mind. Ohh yeah & 'TWAT!'...
If a guy only wants to be your friend and nothing more there is something severely wrong with him
WOW! What a attitude to have. I bet he is a bundle of laughs. Probably a bullying A hole, as well...A real manly man. A disrespectful, emotionally abusive, narrow minded twat'...
and he is defying the laws of nature and you are taking advantage of their disability for your own selfish god complex.
Ohhh! Mummy issues. Or is it an Ex...Definitely the type of bloke you don't want to meet up with for a blind date...Imagine what an obnoxious, arrogant, Jerk, he is...
Here is further clarification on the definition of the made up phrase, platonic friends.
"sometimes when a man wants a women yet he knows she is grossed out/creeped out/not attracted to him he will attempt to get close to her claiming to be merely a "platonic friend". "
Hmmm! Only if you are a shit head. Not if you are a respectful human being who sees women as people, not objects to use & abuse for your own manly needs & desires...
Point being I'm not just some crazed sex deprived maniac.
Really? You mean you are in control of nature? 'Twat!'...
You just need to learn not to trust guys.
You mean guys like you, who give other more sane guys, a bad name...
If a guy says they are only your friend and they never want sex with you that is the biggest lie ever and should be a red flag.
What. Is he like a dog? Will start humping your leg? Yeah. Men want sex. They think a lot about sex {Supposedly} but they are capable of treating people with respect. Not wanting to hump everything with a hole. If you can't be friends with women. Mate. You need help. A psychologist might help, but not a female psychologist just in case you can't think straight to talk, because your thinking of taking her over her desk, or couch, w/e...'Twat!'...
These men will hurt you when you break their hearts by never being anything but "Platonic friend" with them.
Okay! Where's the straight jacket & padded cell...Someone has serious women issues...
Meeting more guy friends then you already have on an online dating site is insane and reckless of you.
Ummm! OMFG! You are the most narrow minded, sexist pig I have ever read...Man. Get help. Before your penis explodes from all the pressure of these sex objects walking around...
You are taking a huge risk.
Meeting a douche, like you. Yep!
Guess what. In the real world. Women & men can be friends without having to have 'SEX!'...They are not overcome by nature. That overpowering NEED! to have uncontrollable rampant SEX!...'Twat!'...
If you still can't see the truth. Why are you on an online dating site trying to make more "guy friends"?
WOW! Your an arrogant little prick, aren't you. I bet your a real charmer. Probably even your guy friends believe you are a 'Twat!'...You know. The men who are capable of not dry humping every woman they come across...
Yeess! They're probably thinking 'Nice boobs' 'Nice ass' {w/e}...but they are in control of their primal urges...Some blokes even 'Gasp!' like women. Now isn't that going against nature. Liking a woman. Being able to talk to a woman, without your prick butting in...
Why are you not on
Why should she?...Why is that any of your business? Its not...You arrogant little dick!
Ask yourself those questions and think before wasting any more of your time on here.
Ummm! This bloke should win an award for being the biggest male chauvinist pig in the whole world...
Focus on graduating and moving then look for a relationship with a guy when you are ready to be more than just a friend to a guy.
Arrogant dick, aint he...
100 percent of all men on here want to have a sexual relationship with you.
Yes...100% of women are not looking for an arrogant, control freak with women issues...
Not because they are sick slime balls.
No. That would just be you, mate...
It's how we were all made.
Not all, mate. I know lots of men capable of being friends with women, if they want sex or not...Its called being a grown up. Being able to act like a sane person not a potential rapist / woman abuse. Some blokes have respect. Those same blokes have self respect too. They don't admit to being arrogant dicks with women issues...Only into their guy friends to talk 'guy stuff'...
100 percent of all men who say they just want to be your platonic friend are lying.
Not quite, mate!
If they lie about that they will lie about anything and will be more likely to prevent you from achieving your dreams of graduating college and moving away.
Wow! Your life must be sooo boring, being so narrow & shallow, controlled by your manly urges...Lol! Can you imagine him giving that talk to his daughter? Lets hope he has no kids...
Me: {Her}
Dudebromanthing i don't even need to waste my time reading that to know you got issues lol. Bai.
Lol! Good come back...Dudebromanthing i don't even need to waste my time reading that to know you got issues lol. Bai.
And then i blocked him. And i honestly didn't read that wall of text, so i invite you to provide the most hilarious summary of it you can. (Also, mods, i only skimmed it for TOUs but i don't think ChristBoy101 would talk about any of that- except maybe tbat one we always associate with Catholics, which he is...)
Well. If nothing else, people like that provide entertainment...
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