A day's nude housework....Ummm! As tempting as that offer is, I'll give it a miss...
is on offer.
You can of course discipline me for any shoddy work or for slacking.
i can be yours to command for the day.
Then he comments on his personal to bring it to the front again...
Who would have thought it was so difficult to be in domestic servitude for a day?
This comment about sums it up...
Maybe people don't particularly want a naked stranger in their house cleaning it badly in order to get a free spanking?
Just a maybe, you understand.
I don't think people get that real life still applies. It's your fantasy...Mind you. I could do with a naked gardener to weed my garden. The weeds are never ending. Right. Weed the whole garden, then I give you a few whacks. Then you can go home. How about the prickly weeds in the front garden. I might consider letting you wear a pair of gloves...
Seriously though. Maybe he should try making friends with some women who are into naked servants, then maybe they might consider trusting him to come into their home to play naked maid about the house...
How about. You only get a spanking if you clean the house to my standard, or you keep on cleaning until it is up to scratch. Ohh! Then you can bath the dogs, weed the garden, clean the guttering...Only joking...I would not want anyone in my house, touching my stuff, if they were my friend or a complete stranger. I prefer my home to be fetish free. I'm strange that way, but, after allowing a few crappy negative people into my home, near my family. I am very picky these days...I know. That is nothing to do with the naked cleaner man...
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