Is it necessary to be part of a scene >?
Question for those who may wish to answer.
Is it necessary to be part of a scene , say like "The Fetish Scene", "The Bdsm Scene" , "The Spanking Scene".
I have my own feelings on this, but would be very interested to hear other peoples .
So I thought I would answer it here in my blog first...
In a word. "NO!"...
There. Answered it...
I thought I would be a nerd & google the definition of the word scene. Here goes...
Well there is certainly lots of kinky, spanky stuff to view. I enjoy looking at spanking pictures & reading spanking stories. I also enjoy going to parties & 'viewing' the play which is going on. Not in a voyeur way, more in a interested sub, way...
Well yeah. Events. I do enjoy spanking parties, not so much BDSM events. So I am more into the spanking party 'scene', well I used to be. Then only to play with lots of Doms, chat to people I enjoy chatting to, drink red wine in between...{For the alcohol snobs. Yes. It is possible to control my own alcohol consumption & play. I can even control the amount of spanking I allow. Just saying}
Ummm! Well there was certainly lots of drama, lol...Drama can be entertaining when looking in from the sidelines. When you are being dragged into it, not so good. That part of the scene is not so good. Yes. You have the 'I have made so many lovely friends' people. Good for them. I had the misfortune to interact with the one drama queen 'Dom' He even called himself a 'Brat Dom'...WTF! Just admit you switch & be done with it. Because your obsession with bratting is tiresome...
Gawd! Tell me about it...
Lol! Yes! Lots. With the usual wind up merchants...
1. Something seen by a viewer; a view or prospect.
2. The place where an action or event occurs: the scene of the crime.
3. The place in which the action of a play, movie, novel, or other narrative occurs; a setting.
Ummm! Yep! The spanking scene...
Ummm! Yep! The spanking scene...
a. A subdivision of an act in a dramatic presentation in which the setting is fixed and the time continuous.
b. A shot or series of shots in a movie constituting a unit of continuous related action.
Ummm! Yep! The spanking scene...
Ummm! Yep! The spanking scene...Lots of acting going on...& I don't mean 'just' roleplay. Gawd! What is it with the overbearing, LOUD! squeaky voice, when your usual voice is put on plumb in the gob, americans version of an English accent...Jeeze! That grates on my nerves, but, to other more 'sceney' people its 'Fun'...I know. I'm sooo! serious. I should go with the flow. Laugh at the fakeness slicing through my head...
a. The scenery and properties for a dramatic presentation.
b. A theater stage.
6. A real or fictitious episode, especially when described.
7. A public display of passion or temper: tried not to make a scene.
Gawd! Yeess! Definitely lots of politics. Bs politics...I have heard that description so often. Usually from the people who are now steering clear...
Some of the role play, lol...
a. A sphere of activity: observers of the political scene.
b. Slang A situation or set of circumstances: a bad scene; a wild scene.
behind the scenes
The gossip which goes with most groups of people...Mind you, my ears prick up when I hear gossip, when at the munch meet. Not to spread around & use to make 'lovely' friends, nooo I'm just curious. Okay! Nosey, lol...Where there is a group of people there is gossip. Yet they love each other. Best of 'lovely' friends, but any gossip...I just want to commit myself to my real friends, rather then being in a scene of 'lovely' friends...
That is how I prefer it. I am not interested in the intimate details of you playing with so & so. If she blogged details, fair enough, but should you be telling me this. Have you not heard of discretion. What makes you think I would want to play with you knowing full well you will tell such & such every detail...I am rambling about some geezer I met. I don't think he knew what discretion meant. He just sooo! wanted to tell me EVERYTHING! as if I was somehow interested. I tried to stop him, but nooo! he was into his tale of hinting that she gave him a blow job, that he was her big cuddly daddy. I was thinking 'I think I just vomited a little in my mouth'...
1. Backstage.
2. Out of public view; in secret.
Sooo! You see. I don't so much want to be part of a scene, as preferring to interact with people I would get on with out of the scene. In the so called scene, I am a 'fem sub'. A very quiet, introvert, so called shy sub. Very sub indeed. When in fact. Yes I am a fem sub...Duh! I am very quiet. I am of course introvert. Not sooo much shy when it comes to having my bare bottom spanked. Not so 'Very sub indeed' unless playing...
The thing is. I don't want to be a 'fake' version of me, to fit in & be accepted. Yes I have made friends over the years. Personally I don't get the 'Lovely friends' syndrome which seems to go with the scene. I have got vanilla friends. I don't call them 'Lovely friends'. I call them good friends. Real friends I trust. Genuine friends. As in not two faced, disloyal, control freaks...Yep! There are quite a few of those in the so called scene. Its like two of my vanilla friends suffer from depression. Yet. They somehow keep it to themselves. Its not a 'Attention seeking' thing in a scene...
As for nessessary to be part of a scene. It depends on what I am looking for. If I want lots of 'lovely' friends. Don't play. If I want to play. Proper play. Not token play among 'lovely friends'...In my experience. You either have 'lovely friends' or your just the subbie bottom they love to spank 'A lovely bottom' they play with, but don't really see as a actual friend...
So is that my fault? I am not 'lovely' friend enough...Hmmm?
You don't believe me? Try it. Try being a sub-bottom into real play, first. If I was to sit there. Talk. Its 'When are we playing?'. Can't I just sit down & talk. Let's face it. You are only here now chatting, to play, not because I am one of your 'lovely' friends. Yeah! My fault. I'm too quiet. Too reserved, but you see. I am not in a scene to make lots of 'lovely' friends. I am in the scene to play. My husband is my best friend. My few 'vanilla' friends are actual real friends...
Yeah. I am in the minority. A fem sub in the scene to play, not socialize with like minded people, I don't particularly have anything in common with. Not to say that I don't see people as interesting. I enjoy talking to people. I just don't fit in with the whole 'Lovely people' 'spanko's are the best' wossy. I don't mind munch meets. It is nice to meet new people & people I have known in the 'scene' but I'm not one of their 'Lovely' friends. I don't make enough effort. Because I just don't feel I want to. My energy is aimed elsewhere. Being spanked by a descent, 'skilled in the art of spanking', Dom...
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