I'm feeling more positive today. I was feeling like crap. Last night I decided that I need to do something extreme to improve my health issues. Ohhh! Yeah! Didn't you know. I have health issues too, but I don't go on about them, to get attention...

Okay! I went there. I have no issue with sick people. Everyone needs support when they are feeling like crap. It is the attention seeking bints, who bully others, I have a slight issue with. Note I said 'slight'...
Nuff said for now......
Now for the boring, long winded part about water fasting...
By writing this. I am committing myself to carry out what I am aiming for, or look like a fool {Nooo comment on the fool part}
There are 5 stages when water fasting. Depending on how long you water fast for...
Stage 1 (Day1-2)On the first day of fasting, the blood Sugar level drops below 70mg/dl. To restore the blood to the normal glucose level, liver glycogen is converted to glucose and released into the blood. This reserve is enough for a half day.Your body uses up all the glucose in your body...
The body then reduces the basal metabolic rate (BMR). The rate of internal chemical activity in resting tissue is lowered to conserve energy. The heart slows and blood pressure is reduced. Glycogen s pulled from the muscle causing some weakness. The first wave of cleansing is usually the worst.I am planning on doing lots of resting...Luckily for me I can & I have got enough fat reserves to keep me going...
Headaches, dizziness, nausea, bad breath, glazed eyes and a heavily coated tongue are signs of the first stage of cleansing. Hunger can be the most intense in this period.I am dreading the detox...
Stage 2 (Day 3 to 7)Fats, composed of transformed fatty acids, are broken down to release glycerol from the gliceride molecules and are converted to glucose. The skin may become oily as rancid oils are purged from the body. People with problem-free skin may have a few days of pimples or even a boil. A pallid complexion is also a sign of waste in the blood...You'll find me scrubbing myself 'a lot' in the bath. Definitely won't be going out...
Ketones are formed by the incomplete oxidation of fates. It is suspected that the ketones in the blood suppress the appetite by affecting the food-satiety center in the hypothalamus called the appestat. You may feel hungry for the first few days of the fast. This effect is temporary. The desire to eat will disappear. Lack of hunger may last 40-60 days.I'll be ok, if I can get past the first 4/5 days...
The body embraces the fast and the digestive system is able to take a much-needed rest, focusing all of its energies on cleansing organs and the lungs are in the process of being repaired.
My digestive system needs a rest, it needs to heal too...
Periodically, the lymphatic system expels mucoid matter through the nose or throat. The volume excreted of this yellow-colored mucus can be shocking. The sinuses go through periods of being clogged, then will totally clear. The breath is still foul and the tongue coated. Within the intestine, the colon is being repaired and impacted feces on the intestinal wall start to loosen and are autolyzed.Eeeewwww!...but...I'm ready. My breathing is really bad. My lung capacity is 250. My Dad has got emphysema. His lung capacity is now 450, since moving to Lincolnshire. Essex is the worse place to live if you suffer from asthma, let alone emphysema...
Sooo! I'm in for a icky time...
Stage 3 (Day 8 to 15)On the latter part of an extended fast, you can experience enhanced energy, clear-mindedness and feel better than you have felt since childhood,
"Yaaay!" Maybe I should play on that day...
On the downside, old injuries may become irritated and painful. This is a result of the body’s increased ability to heal during fasting. If you had broken your arm 10 yrs before, there is scar tissue around the break. At the time of the break, the body’s ability to heal was directly related to lifestyle. If you lived on a junk food diet, the body’s natural ability to heal was diminished.Ummm! I think I am in for some severe stomach pain...
During fasting, the body’s healing process is at optimum efficiency. As the body scours for dead or damaged tissue, the lymphocytes enter the older-damaged tissue secreting substances to dissolve the damaged cells.
That is what I am aiming. Healing my bottle...Oops. I mean body. That is my daughter's fault she was just talking to me about bottles as I was typing...
These substances irritate the nerves in the surrounding region and cause a reoccurrence of aches from previously injured areas that may have disappeared years earlier. The pain lasts as the body is completing the healing process. The muscles may become tight and sore due to toxin irritation. The legs can be the worst affected as toxins accumulate in the legs. Cankers are common in this stage due to the excessive bacteria in the mouth.Ohhh! What fun...but...What do I want. 30 days of water fasting discomfort. Or 30 years of feeling like crap & getting worse. 30 days is a drop in the ocean compared to my quality of life feeling like crap. I have got a high pain threshold, sooo!
Stage 4 (Day 16 to 30)The body is completely adapted to the fasting process. There is more energy and clarity of mind. Cleansing periods can be short with many days of feeling good in between."Yippee!" More play...
There are days when the tongue is pink and the breath is fresh. The healing work of the organs is being completed. After the detoxification mechanisms have removed the causative agent or renders it harmless; the body works at maximum capacity in tissue proliferation to replace damaged tissue.That is what I am aiming for...
While a short fast will reduce the symptoms, a longer fast can completely heal.Hence taking extreme measures...
Homeostatic balance is at optimum levels. The lymphatic system is clean except for a rare discharge of mucus through the nose or throat. After day 20, the mind is affected with heightened clarity and emotional balance. Memory and concentration improve.Sooo! Day 20 I play again? lol...
Stage 5(Day 30 to ?)(Breaking the Fast with the genuine return of Natural Hunger) Shelton.The Breath, which during all or most of the fast has been offensive, becomes sweet and clean.The Tongue becomes clean. The thick coating which remained on it throughout most of the fast vanishes.The Temperature, which may have been sub-normal or above normal, returns to exactly normal, where it remains.The Pulse becomes normal in time and rhythm.The Skin reactions and other reactions become normal.The Bad Taste in the mouth ceases.Salivary Secretion becomes normal.The Eyes become bright and eye sight improves.The Excreta loses its odor. The Urine becomes light.
I'm heading for day 30. Which does mean NOT! drinking wine at our munch meet on Sept 8th...In fact. I have 4 weeks of not drinking wine. We cut down to 2 bottles each week. Whilst water fasting I will be sat there with my water...but...It's only 30 days out of my life. Red wine will be re introduced. Red wine does have health benefits...
The primary indication that the fast is to be broken is the return of hunger; all the other indications are secondary. Often one or more of these secondary signs are absent when hunger returns, but one should not refrain from breaking the fast when there is an unmistakable demand for food, merely because the tongue, for example, is not clean. Inasmuch as all the signs do not invariably appear in each case, do not hesitate to break the fast when hunger returns.Breaking the fast will be fun...I will be gradually re introducing different 'healthy' foods, to see which one if any affects me...but...As I will be completely healed, maybe no food groups will have an affect...
I'm doing my on line shopping in a mo. How many bottles of water will I need. Ummm!
wow sounds like a hard limit to me x
ReplyDeleteDrinking water. Or the no wine? lol...
ReplyDeleteI drink a lot of water but if I drank that much id have to bring a portaloo with me lol