I said...
I love reading other peoples, negative journals. I just read one, titled "He is a knob head". See. I'm not the only one with issues. I wanted to comment, or love it, but I'm not sure if I should...Ummm! What the heck...I commented "Unfortunately there are many knob heads, about x "...You all know who you are, lol...
I was careful. Just kept it short & sweet. Then blogged about it. Maybe I should comment what I blog. If that makes sense. As in. Say in my comments what I say in my private blog. Though I might offend a few peeps...
Here is the person's blog/public confession...
OMFG! Head case...but..."Each to their own"...
Public Confession
I made this post a few days ago on my blog with master, but I figured I'd show my new friends what I have been doing.
I have been instructed by my owner, Daddy Love to make this public confession on our blog. Earlier today Daddy and his #1 slave, Mamba had me serve them both. at the end of our time together, Mamba used a strapon dildo and fucked my ass while Daddy fucked my pussy…
eventually pumping his warm load of cum deep inside me. He cums so heavily…filling me with so much off His delicious cum…His “seed" , he calls it…making me cum so intensely AND stretching me. Then, being even more wicked, He instructed me to go home, have sex with hubby and compare How Daddy’s large black cock fills me compared to hubby’s.That is the part I was referring to...Dissing the husband...
I did as instructed. I was excited with the chance to fuck hubby, since Daddy has denied me sex with hubby for nearly 3 weeks.Ohhh! Myyy! I'm sure my husband would love that 'Not'...I'm sure I would allow some bloke to diss my husband 'Not'...
Granted, just the fact that hubby would be inside me, could not go unnoticed, and be pleasurable.
But I was hoping he would fuck me hard and strong, like Daddy and Mamba. And that my orgasm would be intense and satisfying. I have to confess…it felt neither intense or satisfying. I had an orgasm, mostly by imaging you fucking me Daddy, but I wanted more….needed more…hoped for more…I was disappointed….Awww! Poor hubby...
Daddy, I confess you have ruined me….feeling hubby inside me does not even come close to the feeling of being so filled by your large…dominant, hard black cock….you have trained both my pussy and mind to respond so intensely…so needy…to your cock, Mamba’s wickedness and the orgasms I achieve with you….you own me…my orgasms and need. I cannot deny it….
I crave your attentions. Sometimes i feel pulled in two directions…craving the wickedness you make me feel…and still wanting to achieve strong orgasms with hubby…..to make him feel special…
Ummm! Poor hubby. So Daddy is a jealous control freak. I wonder if hubby knows about Daddy......

Or Daddy does not exist. Or Daddy is in fact the one who wrote that...
Anyway. Nuff said about them...
What is it with these blokes dissing the other half? Is it because they would not allow their woman to go with another man? I have had blokes trying to diss my husband. Or start asking me questions about my marriage. How I see it. Our marriage is no one elses business but ours. If a bloke starts in about the marriage. Off I go...
This is because I have been in a D/s relationship with an emotional abuser, who decided that he would screw with my marriage. One of those situations I chose not to gossip about...Hmmmm! Maybe I should have, but I did not need to. What goes around comes around. He got his comeuppance...
My ideal Dom. He would be married. In a good marriage. A marriage where he can be honest, or a marriage where he keeps it secret, but, I don't need the guilt trip. That is between him & his wife. I can discuss my spanking desires with my husband. He accepts what I am into...
Also. Telling me how happily married you are & how much you love her & will never leave her. That if you could spank her, you would not be here. You are not going to touch me. Blah-Blah-Blah-BLAH! Good for you...Now '**ck off!' back to your lovely gorgeous so wonderful 'your spanking other women' wife...
1] I am not going to fall in love with you & expect you to leave your wife. Don't flatter yourself.
2] I am not a manipulative bitch, who sees getting married 'unavailable' men as a challenge. Once I've got them, I don't really want them. Nope! If you don't trust me, or know me better then that, then we need to communicate more.
3] I don't want to meet your wife. My husband does not want to meet you. Unless of course we want to do couples? As in my husband can go with your wife? No?...
4] I will respect your marriage. Because I am a respectful person, capable of respecting other people. So. respect my marriage or '**uck off!'
Basically. If I allowed some disrespectful nob to diss my husband & my marriage. I would be a selfish bitch. If I go with a man, who disses my husband & marriage, then carry on seeing him. That would make me a '***t!'...
My marriage comes first. That is my first priority. I would expect my Dom to put his wife before me, but, he would be my priority in my subbie life & I would expect vice versa. It is not rocket science. If he is neglecting his wife, that is their business, but, I don't want the grief from him being a crappy husband...
Nuff said for now.........
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