Does not compute
by Z
I’ll call him Breadname, because his user name had such in it. There was no about me, no fetishes, just a bunch or love/comment activity on pics (none of which were mine, as it happens).
Breadname, 29M
hey there pretty lady how is your day?
Polite. Yes? At least he didn't call her 'young lady' or 'girl', lol...hey there pretty lady how is your day?
Though 'hey pretty lady' is obviously going to lead to talking about her sexual attributes, lol...Be forewarned...Do you give him enough rope to hang himself, then kick away the chair. Or 'Ignore' him...but isn't ignoring a bloke considered impolite...Hmmm?
Me {Her not me}
Ok. Busy.
Polite response. Which to me would say 'I'm ok, not really in the mood to talk right now'. She did not ask him how he was. She said she was 'busy'...Ok. Busy.
Oh that's cool I have the opposite problem today im really bored lol
Oh that's cool I have the opposite problem today im really bored lol
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Hmmm! Is it sexual harassment when in a message on line? It depends on just how pervy & creepy it makes you feel... |
Is there a reason, besides boredom, that you messaged me?
So cutting out the small talk? Isn't that a man trait, lol...Is there a reason, besides boredom, that you messaged me?
Hmm yea I read your profile you seem nice & down to earth so I figured why not.. I like your pics too I think your very pretty and have huge awesome boobs but I try not to say pervy things in the first meassage lol
Well he was honest? lol...She did ask. Dare I say. It would be highly unlikely that any bloke would send you a message JUST for a friendly chat. Especially on a fetish site...Hmm yea I read your profile you seem nice & down to earth so I figured why not.. I like your pics too I think your very pretty and have huge awesome boobs but I try not to say pervy things in the first meassage lol
Basically. A bloke expecting a woman to react well to his sexual comments is as likely that a bloke just wants a friendly chat to get to know you. Why be rude? There are ways of telling some bloke his comment is NOT appreciated, without resorting to being a rude bint...
I doubt she could give a £$%$ what I think, why should she. I just don't feel there is any need to rude. Or nag come to think of it. As in a long drawn out whinging, whining lecture...
Mind you. Isn't my blog just like that, lol...
Hmmm! To me that is rude & uncalled for...WTF! Get over yourself, luv...So he commented on your boobs. Sorry 'huge' boobs. Cheeky, yeah, but not too disrespectful. May be a smily rolling their eyes would get the point across in a less aggressive way. After all he is being cheeky not stroppy. Though after a 100 cheeky geezers making comments about your boobs {Yawns}...{Not that I have that problem, lol}...It becomes tedious...
Go away.
Its like the messages saying "I want to spank you"...So!...Its not like I am going to send a message back saying "Ohh! Good! Please come at spank me now"...Nooo! I roll my eyes. Think to myself "Why would I let you?", but I can't always be arsed to ask...So am I being impolite to ignore the message he put sooo much effort into writing?
umm ill fucking gladly do that
Well she did provoke a response like that. Was he supposed to just do as he was told. Just go away, tail between his legs...umm ill fucking gladly do that
Here she is with a lecture to justify her being a rude, defensive bint...
I don't like people being rude to me.
I don't like people being rude to me.
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Between friends, not complete strangers... Another fine line... 'Sexual innuendo' It can be funny & it can be creepy & pervy... |
Just DON'T! look at her boobs, FFS! {HeeHee}
You have an empty profile,
Yeah, that puts me off too. Why should I make so much effort to question you?...Hmmm! I get that they are more then willing to answer any questions, but I don't want to question you. I am mainly into being spanked, so it helps if you put that in your fetish list. I am not into being 'Dominated!' by some so called Domly Dom who expects me to serve him. So it helps if I can see that you are not into sm, FFS!
don't format sentences properly,
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Lol! Not that he has marriage on his mind... |
and the only thing you got out of my profile is that I'm busty.
Well! He mentioned you was pretty, lol...You did ask him why he messaged you...Or was that a trick question?Now I am going to be manist!...Some men. They need the sledgehammer approach, but, that is still no reason to be all bitchy...Some men just don't get 'hints' or have the ability to 'read between the lines' You need to explain it in detail. Pictures often help...As they say 'A picture can speak a thousand words'. Or something like that...Maybe this is why so many blokes send women pictures of their dicks...How about a picture of your face...Hmmm?
and had you done so in person, I'd have probably kicked you in the balls.
Lol! I'd like to see that...She does have a point, but I doubt he would be brave enough to approach her in person. Let alone tell her she has got 'awesome boobs'...Unless of course he was peed & fell into her 'huge boobs'...
Deros (sic) like you don't think it is, but that is nonconsensual objectification and sexual harassment.
Well. There is a very fine line, but I don't see him as being rude, or a sexual predator. My pervy creep radar did not start beeping...
(I did misspell derp; I was typing on my phone, as I so often do. I own up to my errors. All of my replies were on my phone, but I waited till I got home from work to post this. I blocked him after I had my last say because there was nothing else worth anything to happen there. Sometimes I like getting the last word! Also, he doesn’t send pervy messages in the first contact, but doing so uninvited in the third message is ok? Does not compute!)

Edit: I just went back to his profile again to verify that he hadn't had my pics in his feed,and in fact, he hasn't even had any activity in 4days to show that he liked anyone's photos. I believe, given the activity feed, that he only joined 10 days ago. I guess his interwebz etiquette is that of a ten day old mind.

" sexual harassment
- harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks."
Gawd! He only said she had awesome huge boobs. On an adult 'sex' 'fetish' site...Jeeze!

Does this apply to Fetlife? Non stop sexual comments are aggravating. I dare say she has received 100's of annoying messages, so she has become quite cynical & defensive. Attacking any poor guy who mentions any part of her body in a sexual way. Though 'Awesome huge boobs' ? when it is a sex/fetish site...Hmmm! Where do you draw the line? Personally. I just don't think there is any need to be rude. Just ignore him. Or 'politely' point out that he should extend his policy of not mentioning anything pervy until he gets to know the person he is messaging...
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