The title got me from the very start & it went downhill from there on...
Discipline? Why can't it be spanking for pleasure, between consenting adults...Hmmm? Is it me, or are the majority of blokes either male subs, switches but more sub then Dom, or pompous, arrogant blokes into 'Punishing' women, for 'Discipline', as if we NEED! it. Deserve it even...Hmmm!
Unless you are also into travelling. It ends up being a one sided conversation....With me, its more like..."Where are you going on holiday this year?" Me in response {Inwardly rolls my eyes} {Not literally that is impossible}...Anyway. Where was I? Ohh yeah-Meee- "No where. I bought a hetty hoover & new computer instead"...Which I have still got. Where as the holiday would be a distant memory...See. That says a lot about me, lol...
So what about this specific interest of ours then?
The thing is. I don't want to waste my time sifting through the 'Serious!' so called Domly Doms, to find my ideal Dom/spanker, who sees it as 'giving women pleasure'. Where he gets pleasure from the ladies pleasure of being given a thorough spanking on her bare bottom...
-Like a long build-up. I think anticipation is very important.
Wow! I'm with in the stated age range...
-I hope to hear from somebody that might share these little interests of mine. Many thanks for reading.
Little? I hate to read what he considers big, lol...
Okay! So I have just rudely ripped apart this good mans personal. Its ok I doubt he will come across it, to feel offended...
Hello all,
I'm 40
I'm 40
Gawd! A Dom younger then me...
...and I live in east London. Almost in the hip part of London actually,
Soooo! what? You're still a cockney...Mate!...
which is fairly absurd as I'm a pretty old-fashioned character.
What has that got to do with living in the good ole Eastend...Hmmm?
Sorry. I'm being facetious... My bad...
I'm decent and pleasant, with a wide variety of interests.
Ohh! Good...That helps. As opposed to being a arrogant, moody git who sits on his computer all day, perving &...Well you get the jist, lol...
My main love is travel and I'm usually planning a new trip. In the past couple of years I have been to Egypt, Lebanon, Mexico, Brazil and Turkey among other places. I have just recently returned from a trip to Montenegro (beautiful country by the way, underrated). My trade is journalism and writing.
I know. He is adding vanilla stuff to make himself look more interesting, but...Do we need to know this stuff before we actually meet to get to know each other...I suppose it gives you something to talk about...That said. Please leave the photo's at home, I'm sure their very nice. Lovely scenary & all that, but other people's tales of travelling {Yawn!}
I know. He is adding vanilla stuff to make himself look more interesting, but...Do we need to know this stuff before we actually meet to get to know each other...I suppose it gives you something to talk about...That said. Please leave the photo's at home, I'm sure their very nice. Lovely scenary & all that, but other people's tales of travelling {Yawn!}

So what about this specific interest of ours then?
Specific? Yeah. What about it? Well. I love being spanked. To me it is the ultimate in relaxation. A total release. I get very turned on. Dont get me started on the after effects..."Mmmm!" "Bliss!"...
Well, it's more of a need for me. I am wired this way basically. Trying to offload this interest would be futile in the extreme. I have been into it all my life.
"Groans!" Here goes another arrogant, male chauvinist who believes HE! has the god given right to 'Discipline!' grown women...Why? Why do these blokes want to turn something so sexual & intimate into something bordering on 'consensual abuse'. There. I went there. I said it...
Yes. I get the mindset wossy. Some women are into 'Discipline scenarios'. They get pleasure from that. Personally I feel that Spanking should be lots of pleasurable 'fun'...If it feels like some arrogant little pompous arse is 'Punishing' me for real, seriously, because HE! feels I NEED! & deserve 'bringing down a peg or two'. Lets just say. Mister pompous arse will be left nursing a very sore ego...Hmmmm!!!
Old-fashioned, matter of fact. With all the moods and language associated.
Ummm!...Old fashioned. Matter of fact...Language associated if doing role play, but mood? Does he mean 'A moody old git' Or setting the right mood for a realistic scenario? I'm assuming the latter...
The actual act itself wouldn't mean nearly as much without all the important accompanying elements.
Okay! Fine. If you are into role play, but I personally prefer the more light hearted amused, enjoying every minute of the "Mmmm!" sexual, sensual, erotic, intimate "Blissful!" spanking play session...
It is difficult to explain that feeling. I have played with many spankers who are spanking for fun & I have played with a few who are too serious. The serious so called 'Domly' Dom is a real turn off to me. Almost to the point of being scary & I don't mean because I am a 'meek, mild, timid, lill mouse'. No. Just that feeling of him being more into hurting me, then us both getting pleasure from the spanking...

-Like a long build-up. I think anticipation is very important.
Me too, but somehow I think he is talking about a totally different 'anticipation'. That reminds me. 2 weeks until my spanking. I can't wait. The reason I can't wait, as opposed to dreading being 'Punished!' Is because I know we will both enjoy every moment of our play session...
-As is the language. I have always absolutely loved the words and phrases associated with this (like 'young lady' for example).
Lol! I laughed at this part. Because I for one HATE! being called 'Young lady'. To me it is patronizing. Maybe whilst being spanked it is not sooo bad, but, I'm not a 'young' lady. From all the posts I have been reading in 'Return to sender', I know I am not alone in hating being referred to with some pet name, especially from a complete stranger...
It might not be meant that way, but it does come across that way. I used to think that maybe I was alone in objecting to some bloke calling me 'Young lady' Or 'girl'...but, no, it seems I am not alone in feeling that way...Mind you I feel the urge to call the bloke 'Old man'. Or 'boy'. Just to let him know how it niggles...You're not my Dom. We are not playing. So don't patronise me. Try talking to me, not at me. Or down to me. I am a grown woman, FFS! If you spoke to a young girl that way, you'd still be patronising...Especially if she is not your sub...
-Ideally, I would like to hear from someone aged 20-50,
-Ideally, I would like to hear from someone aged 20-50,
with a keen interest and understanding of discipline. A real understanding I mean.
Ummm! As in "I will be punishing you, young lady" It is strictly discipline. NO! pleasure will be had by any of us...We're serious here 'Girl!'. You NEED! taking down a peg or two & I'm the man to do it...Yep! Got it...Never going to go there, but I get who to avoid...I know. I know "Each to their own"...
The embarrassment factor is a really significant part of this for me too. The taking down a peg or two.
Hmmm!!! Not good...Who the hell does he think he is...Fine. The big lecture. Scolding w/e, in role play, but...It just niggles me...I don't take kindly to being 'lectured'. Or 'scolded' in a serious way. "It is supposed to be fun". How can it be fun to have some moody aggy bloke talking at you. Talking down to you, because HE! believes you need taking down a peg or two...
The embarrassment factor is a really significant part of this for me too. The taking down a peg or two.
Hmmm!!! Not good...Who the hell does he think he is...Fine. The big lecture. Scolding w/e, in role play, but...It just niggles me...I don't take kindly to being 'lectured'. Or 'scolded' in a serious way. "It is supposed to be fun". How can it be fun to have some moody aggy bloke talking at you. Talking down to you, because HE! believes you need taking down a peg or two...
The thing is. Throughout this personal. He has not mentioned 'Role play'. Is it role play, or does he really want to 'Discipline & Embarrass' Which is a very fine line between 'Abuse emotionally & psychically' Which is emotionally destructive...
If you are really into the whole role play 'Strict disciplinarian' Being taken down a peg or two. Being held accountable. Being taken in hand 'scenario' & you personally feel it as a release. Fair enough, but, if like me you are not into role play, you are being yourself when you are playing. Then in the long run it is emotionally destructive...
Role play 'fine' 'fair enough'...but...As I said. There is no mention of it being 'role play'...Just saying...
Perhaps dealing with someone that feels she has become a little too big for her boots.
Ummm! How can you feel that you have become a bit too big for your boots ? Unless you're feet have got fatter {Shrugs shoulders}...Who sees themselves that way? I am generally flummoxed. I know some women can criticize themselves & see themselves in a negative way, but...I don't think that is good for you either. If you see yourself in a negative way, surely allowing someone to 'Punish' you is not good...
Ummm! How can you feel that you have become a bit too big for your boots ? Unless you're feet have got fatter {Shrugs shoulders}...Who sees themselves that way? I am generally flummoxed. I know some women can criticize themselves & see themselves in a negative way, but...I don't think that is good for you either. If you see yourself in a negative way, surely allowing someone to 'Punish' you is not good...
Maybe if you are in a DD relationship, but, then hopefully you feel good about yourself...but...Going to a near stranger for a 'Cold!' 'Distant!' 'Impersonal' Discipline spanking...Nooo warm caring so called after care. Surely that is also emotionally destructive...
It's like with me being given a long HARD! intense thrashing. I am left feeling totally relaxed. I could not cry, because I don't feel emotional. I can only cry when I feel emotional. I know that goes for many spankees/subs...
-Maybe she has always had this in my mind, but has never quite had the courage to do anything about it. Until now perhaps?
Hmmm! Hopefully she is not a newbie. Because that is one way to be put off spanking...
I am very particular with what I want - more so than with most other areas in my life, which can only be explained by my endless fascination with this subject.
I'm hoping he is into role play...Though. Call me dumb. Some may read it differently. To me it is written as if it is 'Serious' 'Real' Discipline & embarrassment w/e...I could be wrong...
I am very particular with what I want - more so than with most other areas in my life, which can only be explained by my endless fascination with this subject.
I'm hoping he is into role play...Though. Call me dumb. Some may read it differently. To me it is written as if it is 'Serious' 'Real' Discipline & embarrassment w/e...I could be wrong...
I tend to like straight backed chairs,
Me too...but?
over the knee,
Love that...but?
corner time.
HATE! that with a vengeance...I would hope he would accept that & be flexible...Surely he would be flexible? Surely he is willing to listen to the woman he is about to enact 'The strict disciplinarian' scene with?...I know. I'm picking holes in his well written personal. What right do I have to do that...Hmmm?
Well. It is in my blog. Where I can witter on about MY! own personal
Hairbrushes. Wooden hairbrushes.
We have a love to hate relationship...Ohhh! but the after effects are "Mmmm!"...
-Sometimes being fetched by the naughty young lady.
Hmmm! That is just plain lazy...I can't be doing with all that up & down & up &{Only teasing}...Though. Actually. In the end. I would get sooo! bored...You have to wake up every time you get up. So you come out of that blissful subspace...Maybe once. Or even twice, but otherwise...Nah! I don't have a say in the matter? Yeah. I do. Because it is 'Not real'...It is supposed to be fun...
I like the domestic feel of this.
Fair enough...If in role play, or a loving DD relationship, with someone you care about, therefore care about their welfare. Not just fulfilling your need to put women in their place...
I like to spank for real reasons, made up stuff isn't really for me.
I like to be spanked because I like it, because I get pleasure from it, because it leaves me feeling totally relaxed...I like the real spanking, but I do not like being punished by some near stranger who has women 'needing to be put in their place' issues...
I think this can actually help to improve bad behaviour.
DO WHAT??? You pompous little man...Yeah. Because a grown woman, with a mind of her own, who is capable of going to work, taking care of kids, keeping a home, is going to allow you to treat her like a child in need of discipline for bad behaviour...Not good...No. Sorry. I won't go with the flow with this one...
DO WHAT??? You pompous little man...Yeah. Because a grown woman, with a mind of her own, who is capable of going to work, taking care of kids, keeping a home, is going to allow you to treat her like a child in need of discipline for bad behaviour...Not good...No. Sorry. I won't go with the flow with this one...
That is my opinion. Nooo! I am not 'Going off on one'...Gawd! I find men who see women as aggy 'In need of bringing down a peg or two' Aggravating, but still not angry. More...FFS! Get the $%$£ over yourself matey!
Some narrow minded arrogant little oyke, might be thinking 'Calm down luv' Or that I am crazy...Hmmm? My response to those pompous little women haters, is...I'm perfectly calm whilst giving my opinion, thank you very much. WOW! YES! women do have a mind of our own. Guess what. We're living in the 21st century. Where women are your equal. Your peer...Not beneath you in need of 'Taking down a peg or two'...
Nuff said, for now...
Okay! So I'm willing to assume that he is still implying 'Role play' & he does not really want to abuse women with their consent, because THEY feel they NEED! it...Which means they have got emotional issues, which need therapy, not 'PUNISHMENT!'...Maybe a nice 'Therapy spanking', would do them a lot more good...
And now for the honest part -
Theres more?
-I've learned it's the only way to be.
I agree...
I'm actually married.
Me too. So if I was to respond to your personal. Which I doubt. You would have trouble getting the pegs out to move down, they're firmly wedged in place...
Very happily so.
Me too...Good for you...
My wife understands this very well
So does my husband...'Nooo! I'm not lucky he is sooo understanding & allows me too play with other men' It works both ways. Almost. He prefers the ladies, but then he decided it was more hassle then it was worth. Unfortunately he had the misfortune to meet two screwed up women...There appear to be many in the scene. Who would probably go with any bloke, who could cause them more emotional harm...
, and is happy for me to meet other ladies.
Good for you both...
She always knows everything, there are no secrets between us.
Yeah! Okay! mate! we get it...DO NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH ME!!!!...Jeeze! Don't flatter yourself...Does that also mean you will be 'Cold' 'Distant' unfriendly. Waaay to serious...Just incase the badly behaved young lady gets any feelings for you...Hmmm!
-But I only meet other people for discipline.
I'm sure they are queuing up to be taken down a peg or two & taught how to be good little girls...Lets hope their into the whole 'Cold' 'Distant' Nooo! intimate touching WHATSOEVER! not even a soothing rub...Or any friendship...Maybe he can be friendly in between...Just don't get any ideas above your station, missy!
-I will only ever be interested in discipline and spanking.
So. I get LOTS! of blokes are into the whole 'Real discipline' thing, but I'm not sure many women are into the 'real' discipline & embarrassment... I'm probably wrong...Women need warmth. More affectionate tenderness. Understanding. Not because we are over emotional creatures, nooo! Because we are not all into being used & abused, or being made to feel bad about ourselves...Also. We are your peers...Not beneath you. If you want to be treated with respect, it works both ways...
-I hope to hear from somebody that might share these little interests of mine. Many thanks for reading.
Little? I hate to read what he considers big, lol...
Okay! So I have just rudely ripped apart this good mans personal. Its ok I doubt he will come across it, to feel offended...
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