Fifty Shades-

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The Not So Lovely Like Minded Part Of Trying To Find My Ideal Dom/spanker...

yes... this is so true.Meanwhile in my private blog...

"I just done a loooonggggg blog post in my spanking blog. Basically ripping apart that poor 'Disciplinarian & embarrassment' bloke. I am probably being an arrogant moo bag, but, you know what. I am entitled to give my opinion. Now. If it had been on his personal thread, for him to read, then I would be a rude Bint...

I say that in the nicest possible way to myself...

I am just fed up with all these sexist pigs. A lot of the bints don't help, but...FFS! No woman is into being punished 'for real' by some near stranger. Yeah. Yeah. I'm being all moany & miserable & ranting, instead of going with the flow. See the good in the arrogant arseholes who abuse women in the name of 'Adult consensual spanking'...

Dear Domly fellow...
The right sub...
All those things & a "Mmmm!" spanking...
Well. It was in my private blog, but, I decided in my own arrogant way, to say it how I see it & I'm sure many women see it. If only they stopped forming defensive little cliques...All this 'Love everyone'. See the good in 'Everyone'. The lurvely community...Fine. The women into arrogant men can have their pick, but I for one want a decent bloke who does not see women as in need of 'Discipline!'. Does not patronise us with his stuck in the dark ages attitude...Just saying...

I should be more like b. Nice gentle b. Or 'Perky G'. A narrow minded, unaware 'community' 'lots & lots of like minded lovely souls'. You know. See the good in EVERYone. Expensive pink polka dot school satchels. The young {hopefully naive} slim nubile girlies...

Ohh yeah. The personal where the bloke put 'Where have all the girlies gone'. Some woman commented saying 'They grew up'...PMSL! Why are we on such different wavelengths. The blokes idea of subbie little girlies in need of 'Bringing down a peg or two'. Totally opposite to what the average woman is looking for...

No wonder the fem subs end up getting competitive over the only decent Doms. S's manner & spanking technique is what women are looking for. Unless you are f, then for some reason you prefer the 'Mentor!' 'Masterly!' type. Mind you. I think they also have friendship & a actual relationship. Rather then. I want to 'Dom!' you, but on a casual, occasional, nooo fees exchanged, nooo input, nooo contact unless booking an appointment for your punishment, kinda way...Arse holes!

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