Fifty Shades-

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Personal Rules "Be Proud!" "Love Yourself!"-

I don't get that one...
Proud to be able to play with me?
See. I don't do the 'Master!' thing...
Just over 2 weeks until I get my first spanking in about 2 years. I can't wait...My gentle spanker keeps telling what he is going to do to me...
I'll take time putting a blush on your bottom before any implements
I think I will be blushing for the first few minutes, because it has been so long since I last played. It will probably feel like my first 'ever' spanking. My first ever spanking felt 'surreal'. I'm not sure if I will go back to being spanked on a regular basis. I think it might be something I do on occasion. Though I do remember thinking 'I don't want casual, on occasion spanking'. That was not so long ago, actually...

I still don't want to play with near strangers. No way do I want to be 'Just a bottom'...'Nooo fees exchanged'. I want to play with my friends. Not some geezer who exchanged a few nice messages with me online...Step one 'Chat'. Step two 'When are we going to meet?' We're not going to meet with in the next week or so?...The end!

Only in play...
That said I do prefer to meet face to face for a chat. At least that way you find out for certain if you will want to play with this person. Instead of 'The more you chat, the more you are agreeing to play'. I have met a few blokes for a chat & coffee. OMFG! Talk about furtive. Just act normal, FFS! We are both adults, meeting in a public place to drink coffee/w/e & 'chat'...Sheesh!

I am a quiet person. So I find it easier to talk to people one to one & it helps if that person is 'approachable'. I can't be doing with people who give me that 'You're sooo quiet, you're such hard work' look...FFS! You're not saying much either. Do people have to entertain you, to get your approval...Hmmm? Or will fake smarminess do? I'll shout out so all can hear 'Ohhh how are you!'...Throw my arms around you, kiss you like your someone I am sooo close to, that I feel overwhelmed with passionate need to let everyone around us know that I know you...The face like a slapped back side, does not endear me to you either...If you have a face like a slapped arse, I can't be arsed, lol...

Mind you. Men don't act like that. Men are more friendly & approachable. Women expect you to give them lovely attention...That said. I have met a few bitchy blokes too, lol...The thing is. I am looking for a Dom/spanker who is mainly into spanking for pleasure. Someone I can be actual friends with. On the same level, not him 'Master' therefore all knowing; me a mere submissive who will do as I am told or suffer the consequences. I don't know about me suffering, but that does make you an insufferable bore...

My friend 'F'. Mister most hated in Bs, posted this in his facebook group...
For the first time in ages I ventured into a chatroom for 10 minutes. I now can work out how and why I use to get into so many arguments. You can get into a dispute by just saying hello to the wrong person. Unbelievable. "
Thats more like it...
Lol! Its funny, because it is true. I stopped going in that particular chat room yonks ago. Though I used to chat more in sins chatroom. That is where I first chatted to my gentle spanker, 11 years ago. I used to enjoy chatting back in the good ole days, before the tossers took over. Then it was 'You cam'...'I feel horny'...The usual boring twatness {Yawns} After all the tossers realised that they could use people for wank fodder & sooo many blokes pretending to be women; the normal people in the chat room to chat, become more defensive. After dealing with a few morons I gave up chatting...

Mind you. With most blokes, after chatting they expect to meet & if you don't meet them, you get labeled a time waster. So in the end it was easier not to bother. I can't play with everyone I chat to, neither do I want to. Why should I. Its like my inviting someone to a munch meet. I am doing just that. That is not an agreement to play. If we get on & become friends. I might eventually decide that I would like to play with you, because I like you. If I don't want to play that is my prerogative. I don't need to explain why I don't want to play. No means no. No does not mean keep on pestering & persisting until I decide to just play, because it is easier then saying no. I am no longer willing to do so called mercy spankings...

How can you expect to be loved,
if you can't love yourself...
& I don't mean in a concieted way,
I mean value yourself,
have self respect...
Spanking is supposed to be fun...You struggling to get a woman to play with you is your problem, mate. Maybe you should look at why so many women don't want to play with you, not accuse us of being 'time wasters'...Actually. No man has dared to call me that. Not to my face

A bloke on Fetlife, sent me a message asking to chat. Apparently he was struggling to find a woman to spank. Obviously he did not want to chat. Chat means small talk, getting to know a person, deciding a long way down the line if we are indeed 'compatible, if our friendship leads to play...

I 'politely' explained that I was not actively looking {Which was on my profile} & what I would be looking for, when I was ready to start looking. As in 'Friendship, with spanking benefits'...That brought an end to our chat!...I wonder why he is struggling...Could it be because you want to cut straight to the bottom 'No fees exchanged!'...Hmmm! {lol}

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