Mind you every time he touched me, I was..."Arrgghhh!" I'm HOT! I can't stand this heat. I can't cope with this heat..."Arrrgghhh!"...My excuse is I have got lupus, so I do get over heated. Then it becomes unbearable to the point of me turning into satan himself. Needless to say it was a HORRENDOUS! night...
Charlie & Melody... |
Then he huffed! I'm sure he huffed. Got down off his bed {Arm chair with charlie blankie} & wandered off to sleep in the hall on the 'Ugh!' carpet. How COULD I be sooo cruel!. Where as my big fluffy melody malamute x border collie bear doggy, was grateful I opened all the doors & windows, then put the noisy fan on full blast...
It was lovely to wake up to find there had been a down pour. Which meant I did not have to water my garden. I have still got a fan permanently attached to me, but it's more bearable now & I can wear clothes "Wooo!"...
Gotta go, I need more coffee...
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